sure sex is cool, but have you ever watched the leverage team gloat at a rich man they’ve just utterly fucked over
i love small joys so much!!!! yes i love my coffee in my favorite mug!!! i love the sun spilling in the window!!! i love the wind on my face!!! i love my blanket over my lap!!! i love the clouds in the sky!!!! i am seeking joy in every moment!!!!
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Bitches will say that found family is their favorite trope and not love the Fast & Furious franchise
“ It’s supposed to be a walk away. I’m never supposed to see you again. ”
The Most Iconic™ Moments In Leverage
-sophie showing up at her own funeral. Twice.
-nate running up 15 flights of stairs and stopping on every floor to press the elevator button just to piss off Sterling
-“he must’ve had some good qualities” “none. Not even in bed”
-sophie throwing off her trench coat to reveal a rapelling harness, and Parker running to her while Sterling’s shouting for the agents to catch them
-eliot knocking out 4 guys before Hardison’s bag hits the floor
-“if you eat a snakes heart, you consume its soul”- Parker saying she wants Dalton Rand dead and Eliot just shrugging and saying ‘Yeah, I could do that’
- Aw, see, you made two mistakes, bro. First, you flashed that fake-ass FBI badge at me. Second, [Hardison points at Eliot] you spilled his coffee.
- You forgot… [No]…About the true meaning…[No, don’t you say it!!] of Christmas. [My God, that barely applies here!!] Ho ho ho.
- You know what I have? I have a 24 year old genius with a smartphone and a problem with authority. You never stood a chance.
- Just the entire Rashomon job in general
(Yes, I have a thing for season 3 why do you ask)
- “Sir, I can take your underpants.”
- “I’m sorry it was too far away for you to punch, I’m sure that really frustrates you.”
- Parker casually hanging off a ski lift. “Help. Help.”
- “Uncomfortable with black authority.” “Sir, please don’t write that.” “I will write a letter to your mama if I feel like it.”
- Hardison: “I spent three days hacking the White House email. … We are doing some pretty hinky stuff in Pakistan.”
Eliot: “I was in Pakistan.”- “You thought she was dressed as a nun for no reason?” “It’s Parker.” “Fair enough.”
- “Someone tricked you into bringing a briefcase full of evidence of your own crime straight to the police?”
- Eliot anchoring Parker’s rope to Hardison’s belt rather than the railing of the elevator.
- Nate: “Eliot, I’m going to ask you not to do anything violent.”
Eliot: “What are you talking about? I only use violence as an appropriate response…”
Sterling: “Hello Nate.”
Eliot: *violence*- Eliot getting way too into his cover as a baseball player.
- Eliot and Hardison as health inspectors in the Iranian secret police safehouse disguised as a restaurant. “I’ve gotta dock ya.” Then Eliot bumping into one of the secret police officers, shrugging apologetically, and saying “I’ve gotta dock ya” before beating him up.
- Eliot fighting multiple people behind soundproof glass while the others are totally oblivious.
- “Does this smell like chloroform to you?”
- “I didn’t even stab him!” “Yeah, we are so proud of you.”
- Eliot having a casual chat with someone he’s on a first name basis with, while they’re beating each other up.
- Sophie going undercover in a company claiming she’s there to find a mole. Actually uncovers a mole.
- A kid on a school trip walks into the room where Hardison and Nate are monitoring the situation. They explain everything that happens, giving him tips on running a con.
- Hardison and Eliot feuding over a sandwich. “I ate the damn sandwich. … If he wasn’t gonna beat my ass I’d go thank him.” *bites into sandwich*
- “Why is there a nun’s habit without a nun inside?” “…Rapture!”
- Hardison talking to the cartel boss, Eliot beating up thugs in the background, in full view of the boss, while trying to keep Hardison from noticing.
- Hardison and Chaos being excited over the Batcave. Hardison promising Eliot his own batsignal.
- “That little pretzel cart is both delicious and Interpol.”
- Hardison in the van making Eliot, who is standing in a field, do the Cha Cha Slide, then seeing Eliot’s signal moving very fast towards him. The van begins to shake.
- Eliot running a kitchen while beating up thugs. Eliot asking a thug his opinion on the sauce before knocking him out.
- “I didn’t know you could sing.” - “Not as well as I can act.”
- “I have an idea.” - “Am I gonna hate it?” - “No, but I am.”
- “That was the worst night of my life.” - “Come on man, you’ve been in worse situations.” - (Flashback to Eliot being forced to play Russian Roulette.) - ”No. No, that was the worst.“
- Eliot and Hardison hugging it out.
- “Can I hit him?” - “Which one?” - “Either one.” - “See, it’s not just me.”
- Two Good Ol’ Boys
- any scene where Hardison and Parker are Agents Thomas and Hagen
- whenever Agents Taggert and McSweeten get the credit for the team’s work and just run with it
- everybody secretly calling Sophie for advice
- “I got hit by a car!” “ I gOt hIT bY A CaR! GET OVER IT!”
- Parker’s I want to do the right thing speech
- “ while you are well-versed in dead-guy art I myself am not… I am riveted. Quite so. Please, do go on.”
- Eliot cutting a hole in Nate’s wall with a chainsaw
- Sophie & Nate’s series of ‘interviews’ in the Office Job culminating with Nate screaming “That’s a lie. I love foreplay!”
- “I hate this guy.” *clinks beer bottles* “now, you’re part of the team”
- Nate’s Intervention
- “Did you just kill a guy with an appetizer?” “ I don’t know, maybe.”
Leverage: Notable Moments Compilation Post
Meta Colorcoding and Organization Post
Season 1 (in the correct DVD set order!)
- The Nigerian Job
- The Homecoming Job
- The Wedding Job
- The Snow Job
- The Mile High Job
- The Miracle Job
- The Two-Horse Job
- The Bank Shot Job
- The Stork Job
- The Juror #6 Job
- The 12-Step Job
- The First David Job
- The Second David Job
Season 2
- The Beantown Bailout Job
- The Tap-Out Job
- The Order 23 Job
- The Fairy Godparents Job
- The Three Days of Hunter Job
- The Top Hat Job
- The Two Live Crew Job
- The Ice Man Job
- The Lost Hier Job
- The Runway Job
- The Bottle Job
- The Zanzabar Marketplace Job
- The Future Job
- The Three Strikes Job
- The Maltese Falcon Job
Season 3
- The Jailhouse Job
- The Reunion Job
- The Inside Job
- The Scheherazade Job
- The Double Blind Job
- The Studio Job
- The Gone Fishin’ Job
- The Boost Job
- The Three-Card Monte Job
- The Underground Job
- The Rashomon Job
- The King George Job
- The Morning After Job
- The Ho Ho Ho Job
- The Big Bang Job
- The San Lorenzo Job
Season 4
- The Long Way Down Job
- The 10 Lil’ Grifters Job
- The 15 Minutes Job
- The Van Gogh Job
- The Hot Potato Job
- The Carnival Job
- The Grave Danger Job
- The Boiler Room Job
- The Cross My Heart Job
- The Queen’s Gambit Job
- The Experimental Job
- The Office Job
- The Girls’ Night Out Job
- The Boys’ Night Out Job
- The Lonely Hearts Job
- The Gold Job
- The Radio Job
- The Last Dam Job
Season 5
- The (Very) Big Bird Job
- The Blue Line Job
- The First Contact Job
- The French Connection Job
- The Gimme a K Street Job
- The D.B. Cooper Job
- The Real Fake Car Job
- The Broken Wing Job
- The Frame-Up Job
- The Rundown Job
- The Low Low Price Job
- The White Rabbit Job
- The Corkscrew Job
- The Toy Job
- The Long Goodbye Job
i made a comic in google slides for some ungodly reason
the long-awaited sequel, Untitled #2
Untitled #3 explores the formulaic entertainment mass-produced by the pawns of capitalism. Or I just wanted to say ass. One of the two.
Untitled #4: the plot thiccens. also there’s a plot apparently
Untitled #5. This whole comic is 23 strips long, and I’ll be doing daily uploads until it’s all posted. Thanks for the great response y’all.
Untitled #6. Okay so firstly, HOLY FUCK Y’ALL. I did NOT expect this comic to get notes, let alone fanart. The most recent strip will always be linked at the bottom of my pinned post, so you can check there to see if you’re caught up.
Untitled #7. Not much to say here. I hope you’re having a good day!
Untitled #8. The true plot begins.
Untitled #9. The Creator can possess Red because I, like Red, have a phenomenal ass. That’s it. It’s not that deep.
Untitled #10. *slaps roof of blue square* this bad boy can fit so much fucking existential despair
Untitled #11. Bet you didn’t expect the ass jokes comic to come to this now did you
Untitled #12. Red is fucking pissed at me. sorry buddy
Untitled #13. I indeed cannot have a comic without characters. Well played, Red.
Untitled #14. Red has his priorities straight.
Untitled #15. It would be funny if this were the last strip but I promise it isn’t. I put too much effort into the end of the comic to stop it now.
Untitled #16. Nice try, Red. Nice try.
Untitled #17. The paradox of omnipotence perpetually vexes me :(
Untitled #18. Let’s not have any ambiguity: Red’s dead. Hey, that rhymes! Neat!
Untitled #19. While strip 18 coincidentally did fall on April Fool’s, it wasn’t a prank. This comic has two characters now. Remember when this comic was about ass jokes?
Untitled #20. Three more strips to go. Holy shit.
Untitled #21. ass haha
Untitled #22. What am I going to do? Who knows… Find out tomorrow at roughly 8:30 AM EST!
Untitled #23.
Probably the happiest ending this comic could have had