Okay but but a cure for covid, invented by Sev

He might sit on it though just because he loves quarantine


‘allo! We are now at the start of Week Two of @snapecelebration Snolidays, and the theme for this is 'Snowfall’. My chosen prompt for today is 'Starlight’ ✨❄️


‘allo! We are now at the start of Week Two of @snapecelebration Snolidays, and the theme for this is 'Snowfall’. My chosen prompt for today is 'Starlight’ ✨❄️

eleni-anz: а ты не забудешь меня?                                     мне помнить некого больше eleni-anz: а ты не забудешь меня?                                     мне помнить некого больше eleni-anz: а ты не забудешь меня?                                     мне помнить некого больше eleni-anz: а ты не забудешь меня?                                     мне помнить некого больше eleni-anz: а ты не забудешь меня?                                     мне помнить некого больше eleni-anz: а ты не забудешь меня?                                     мне помнить некого больше 


а ты не забудешь меня?
                                     мне помнить некого больше  

will you remember me?
                             I have nobody else to remember

Post link


Finally finished my snolidays week 1 pic. Miracles/sacred fire. Severus shows off some more dangerous magic he learned, he realized belatedly that’s it’s kinda dangerous but Lily LOVES it. Yes she is a weird little girl too excited by fire.

This is making me think of magical Beavis and Butthead, but in a good way? Fire, fire!


Snolidays ’21 - A Warm Drink

I want everyone to see the amazing art this fest has given us. And the artist of course. What’s he drinking? How does he take his tea? How come everyone and their mother just knows his hands are exquisite?

Few vs. Many - Snolidays 2021

My third contribution to the Snolidays 2021 winter festival, depicting four moments in Severus’s life.


“A minority in my own house!” Tobias roared, looking like he could turn a table over. “How do you think it feels to come home and listen to all this magic rubbish, day in, day out? Do you know how it feels looking at Carl, knowing his lad will one day take over his shop? A man wants to see a bit o’ himself in his child, dammit!”

Severus might have felt rejected when he was a boy, but he was a teen now, and the fraction of a second when he caught a glimpse of resentful defeat in his father’s eyes disgusted him. If, for reasons that remained opaque to Severus, Tobias wanted to see himself, he needed to look no further than the pub, the line for the dole, at any of the dozens of sweaty, grunting brutes.

In the real world, Severus was a minority, and his mam too, but he, for one, was glad of it: quality over quantity, as far as he was concerned. If he worked hard enough, he knew no one else would see Tobias Snape in him either.


He cast them as fast as he could think them: the toenail hex on Peter, who lagged behind his friends. Impedimenta on James, who was ahead. Sirius tripped over James, and Severus waited for the fourth one to show up from behind him, but he must have been sick again.

Three Langlock spells, Petrificus next, and he got them, he got them, he finally got them.

“Tell me,” he gloated. “Aren’t you … embarrassed, losing even three on one? Aren’t you embarrassed to go after me at all, alone and outnumbered? Do you think it makes you brave? Proper Gryffindors? Do you think your glory will come from defeating one half-blood?”

It felt good – so, so good - watching them trying and failing to get up, trying and failing even to speak.

Finally. Things would be different from now on, he just knew it. One chance to show them whom they were messing with was all he needed, and now he’d got it.

“When someone finds you,” he said, grinning ear to ear, “by all means tell them it was I who defeated you. I wouldn’t mind serving detention with Filch for this.”

Turning a corner and leaving them behind, he saw Lily and her friend, and nodded at them. “Your weird friend looks good today,” he heard the other girl’s voice echoing from the stone walls. He hoped the three-fourths of Potter’s gang heard it too.

Soon enough, he heard a predictable shout - the girls had found them. “What the hell happened to your toes, Peter?!”

Severus quickened his step, his smile not leaving him.

Soon he would be free, and if Lily was the one to find Potter in a state so helpless… that was just icing on the cake.


For once in your life, you joined the winning side, Severus told himself. Glorious tales of the righteous few defeating the many were for children, tales usually spun by liars who wanted to use them.

When writing the history books, Death Eaters would make sure to paint themselves as the heroes who defied the odds. Severus just wanted to win, whatever the cost.

He had brewed, he had crafted spells, he had studied his magic; he waited for a chance to prove himself, make a name for himself, to be somebody. He would not disappoint his master, he would not make Lucius look the fool.

“Now, Death Eaters” the Dark Lord cleared his throat and scanned the room. “We have people everywhere, eyes and ears, and dozens of people under the Imperius curse, ready to be our arms and legs. Only one exception remains, and whoever successfully infiltrates it will be honored above all others when the time comes.”

The followers’ collective mouth watered. “Not anyone could help me there - it is a task requiring… subtlety. Patience.”

They were at the edge of their seat …

“The risks are great, but the rewards greater still, I daresay. Who among you would be my spy at Hogwarts, be my eyes and ears, carry word on the great Albus Dumbledore himself?”

“My Lord,” Karkaroff started, “I have some background in teaching, and I believe myself to be the most suitable.”

“Like my noble ancestor, I prize ambition, Igor, but Dumbledore is not foolish enough to hire you. No.”

The Dark Lord’s eyes rested on Severus, father-like and proud.

“I see myself in you, Severus. I believe you can succeed where even I was denied. If you think this is too soon, if you are too scared, tell me now. But if you are ready, if you are prepared, I will look no further.”

Severus’s throat was dry and his head swam.

“I am.”

He was.

The others’ protests rang over one another: he is too young, he is barely an adult, he is a half-blood, he never fought with us-

“Silence!” The Dark Lord commanded. “Do not doubt me.”

Return to Hogwarts? Severus was not so sure he was ready, but then he could scarcely be a worse educator than some of his own teachers, and his true employer only cared about Dumbledore, not about O.W.L results.

He would serve the winning side.

Whatever it took, whatever the cost.

Thirty Seven

With Dumbledore and Mad-Eye Moody dead, and the rest of the Order directionless, Voldemort had as good as won -  only he did not know this, and he would remain ignorant, if Severus had anything to do with it. He could still be defeated, as long as he believed Potter was worth it, as long as he considered this boy - mediocrity incarnate, the folly of fame personified - important enough to kill, and only by Voldemort’s own hand.

Despite the mounting evidence that the brat couldn’t be killed by the Dark Lord, Severus could not let him understand that he was the problem, not his wand.

“You must be the one to kill him, My Lord,” Severus cried. “It was this prospect that Dumbledore had feared the most! You know how he loved the boy, and how love made him weak!”

Voldemort could not be allowed to understand that he had already won. Alone behind enemy lines, Severus knew this, and none other. All the might of the Ministry and all the Death Eaters and all their allies and servants could not know it and could not change it. The silent and terrified people who still believed in goodness and in light still had a chance, few as they were, and Severus smiled to himself.

You have always been at your best when you were outnumbered, he reminded himself.


betting on which couples are going to come together and which ones will be breaking up at the Yule ball. the winner gets to pass on their nightly rounds to the loser.

snapecelebration - week 2 - a warm drink

Heheheh >:)


Snolidays - Week 1: Light Over Darkness

Professor Snape’s finds it easier to sleep when the dungeons are freezing cold.

This is absolutely gorgeous! Sleep well, my prince!

tumblr gallery photo


in the bleak midwinter

the story of severus’ birth.

snapecelebration - week 1 - miracle

I’m not crying, you’re crying


Any Snape fan has read the Marauders fanfiction called All The Young Dudes?

Basically, what did you think about that fanfic as a Snape fan?

I know Marauders fans are crazy about that fanfic but I was wondering how objective it was concerning Snape? ATYD obviously puts the Marauders in a good light, so did the writer try to put Snape in a bad light? Did they try to be objective? Is the subjectivity, if any, because of Lupin’s point of view? Or did Snape get some good traits along the way too?

I haven’t read the whole thing but suffice it to say that ATYD Snape is a posh assholes who mocks Remus for being poor and Sirius for coming from an abusive home. IIRC he is a blood purist since he first arrives, tries to poison Lupin with truth serum, has Mulciber for a bodyguard…….

And I heard it gets even dumber.


My first contribution to the Snolidays2021, and also my first fanfiction! I won’t lie, this didn’t go at all in the direction that i meant for it to, but yeah, I’m putting it out in the world. 

This is set in 1996 and features Severus Snape and Remus Lupin, with references to Sirius Black and past wolfstar. Sirius doesn’t exactly come off well.

Keep reading

I hate wolfstar, but openly toxic wolfstar is something I needed, it turns out.


I swear fanfiction authors will really just say: hey guys, sorry that this chapter came out an hour later than I planned it. I was murdered two weeks ago and just got revived. Anyway, here the chapter. Then write something that’s better than 99% of what Hollywood is putting out.


fruit cats part 2! three still available :) of course i had to include a durian one. how could i not


Moon Knight so far:


Il materiale di origine: u/Abhinitio (Reddit) / Redrawing of comic panel (with Oscar Isaac) from final issue (#14) of Moon Knight, 2016 series, written by Jeff Lemire and illustrated by Greg Smallwood.
